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American - Canadian Champion 
ConnQuest Lay Your Hands On Me - BFL1

(Dani x Gage)


Am GCH/Can GCHEX Goldgrove High Intensity CGN LC-10D


Am GCH/Can Ch Goldgrove Quest For A Second Win LC-13D

Vega is vWD Clear and is #3 Black (BbDD) 
Thyroid and Liver Normal - March 2017
OFA Hips - Excellent - March 2017
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I caught the show bug, and I wanted a great quality bitch to show and to hopefully become my foundation bitch of my own breeding program in the future.  As they say, the universe shows you the way and things happen for a reason. I was not really actively looking for said bitch, as Rudy was still young and I had things I wanted to do with him first, but a casual email turned into one of the best things that could have ever happened!  


I had known Greg and Theresa of ConnQuest Dobermans from the dog shows.  Their male special Gage, was a dog that not only was so impressive to look at but who reminded me a lot of my old dog Strider. They were having a repeat breeding of Dani & Gage.  Both American and Canadian Grand Champions and both exceptional representations of the breed.  Gage is also the #1 Doberman in Canada, the #1 Working Dog in Canada and Top10 All breeds in Canada 2013.  Quite the accomplishement as Gage is owner handled by Greg.


So it came to be that I would get a show bitch from this fantastic breeding, and I named her Vega after the star!

"Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra.  Vega has been extensively studied by astronomers, leading it to be termed "arguably the next most important star in the sky after the Sun."


Vega has a temperament like Strider.  Bold as brass.  She is beautiful and bombproof.  She's never spooked, she adjusts to new situations in seconds, and is happy and inquisitive all the time. A little Jumping bean!


She was an easy dog to handle in the ring and I finished her Canadian Championship at 8 months, with a best puppy in group.    


Vega, finished her American Championship in February 2017 with 3 majors.  And soon I will embark on the beginning of my own breeding program.  Luckily, I have Theresa Connors Chan to help guide me down this new and exciting road.  Not only did I get a beautiful, sound, confident little bitch, but I got Theresa and Greg too! ha Fantastic support, mentorship and friendship.


And that is what I intend to offer all of my own puppy buyers in the future. Support, mentorship and friendship.

Vega and her daddy Gage winning Group 1st and Best Puppy in Group!  


This was her first show weekend out at 6 months old. She took Best Of Winner, Best of Opposite over specials and Best Puppy.  It was quite a first day out!

Vega and her brother Cowboy finishing their championships on the same day!


Vega 1st in her class Bred By at the Doberman Nationals 2014 Topeka Kansas!

Vega 4th in her class Regionals Show #1  Topeka Kansas 2014 Doberman Nationals.

Vega flying around the ring!

Vega and her breeder Greg Chan at the Nationals 2014.

Vega going BOW for a Major in Florida under Judge Mr. Joseph Napolitano.


Handled by Danny Sanchez.

Vega and Esteban.  She went RWB to the major under Judge Ms. Elizabeth Hindley, and BOS over many specials for a Major under Judge Mr. Robert Stein.

Vega and Esteban in Florida.

Vega and Karin Fox winning her 3rd Major in January 2017.  Vega picked up her first two majors on the competitive Florida Circuit.

Vega goes Best Of Winners at the St. Joseph KC under Judge Jan Sigler! Handled by Karin Fox.

Vega and Karin Fox finishing her American Championship in February 2017!  


Vega goes Best Of Winners today to finish her American Championship at the South Arkansas Kennel Club! Thanks to Ken Buxton for the win, and thanks to Karin Fox for showing Vega so well!


Thanks to Coleen Byrns for this video!  Vega is 2nd in the line with Karin Fox.


Video is below.

Thanks to Coleen Byrns for this lovely video of Vega finishing her Championship at the South Arkansas Kennel Club.

Vega and Cherry Pie in The Doberman Digest, celebrating Greg and Theresa and ConnQuest Dobermans!

© 2013 Dobermans are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. 

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