Best Of Variety & Select x 2 at Poodle Club of Ontario Specialty
A great day for #broadwaypoodles at the Ontario Poodle Club Specialty under Judge Judith Shurb. CH Broadway’s Star Italia took the Best Of Variety! Versace is co owned by me and Kristen Wiles. Littermates Pinky and Leo showed like little troopers! CH Broadway’s Pinkalicious Star took Select Bitch and CH Broadway’s Baby I’m A Star took Select Dog in a lovely line up of Specials. Pinky and Leo were

presented by myself and Rene Koch. Congrats to all the participants. As we all know. Keeping poodles in show coat is not for the faint of heart! 💜 Thanks to the club for putting on a fantastic Specialty and thanks to all of the people who had so many nice things to say about theses Fun and Fantastic littermates!!! #poodle #standardpoodle #showpoodle #dogshow #showdogs #pco #poodleclubofontario #selectbitch #selectdog #bestofvariety #grooming #poodlecoat #doggrooming #doggroominglife