American -Canadian Grand Champion
KitKat N Broadway’s Ooh La La
(Hudson x Emma)
Am MBISS GCHS Kettle Cove N Ashtrick St. Elmo's Fire
Am/Can CH ConnQuest Welcome To The Show v Kelview BFL-1
Petunia picks up her 2nd major in Cape Cod for a 4 point major under judge Dr. Joyce Dandrige beautifully shown by Hailey Carusi. Petunia was RWB to the major the previous day under judge Ms Dawn Hitchcock, handled by yours truly.

Petunia went WB for a 3 point major in Madison Ohio at the Lake Shore Doberman Pincher Specialty in under judge Mrs. Sioux Forsyth-Green. Petunia was the bridesmaid RWB on Thursday and Sunday as well. Many thanks to Angela for showing Petunia so I could stay on Nova.

Petunia at her first US show going WB in a lovely line up of competition under judge Mrs. Donnelle Richards

Petunia goes Best Puppy In Show on her FIRST weekend out at 6 months old for 4 points!

Petunia finishing her Canadian Championship at 8 months old.