Nor CH Ankara's Another High Level To Somanic
Can Ch Marubi's VegaStar
Available for stud to approved bitches.
Black carries white
OFA Good
OFA Elbows Normal
NE Clear by parentage
DM Clear by parentage
vWD 1 Clear by parentage
Macrothrombocytopenia Clear.
OFA Eyes Normal March 2020
Semen Evaluation Excellent January 2021
Leo has an exceptional dark thick black coat.
Full & correct dentation with excellent bite and occlusion.
He is short backed with tons of front, bone and substance.
Neckset and front assembly correct.
Pleasing head with good underjaw and chin.
Amazing, sweet, intelligent, gentle and biddable temperament.
Leo's Sire and Dam's health clearances can be found on the OFA website.

Leo finishes his Championship in style under Judge Thomas Alexander in one weekend!!!
BOW x 5. Two Best Puppy In Group.