CH Broadway's Queen Of The VegaStar - Star
American - Canadian Grand Champion
Broadway’s A Case Of You
(Rock x Star)
Am/Can CH ConnQuest Lets Get Rocked
Can GCH Broadway's Queen Of The VegaStar
All health testing up to date. See Dobequest
Vwd Clear
Colour #3
OFA Hips Excellent
OFA Elbows Normals
OFA Thyroid Normal (2023)
OFA Echo Normal (2023)
Proven Producer

Dante at 11 months old picking up his second 4 point Major under judge Charles Olvis!
Dante wins a 4 point Major in Novi Michigan under judge Fred Hyer!

Dante goes WD under breeder judge Michael Gelinas in Louisville Kentucky!​
No official photo as I had to run to poodles!
Dante and Valentino are both winners in Harrisburg PA!
Tino finished his American Championship going WD for a 5 point major!
And Dante goes BOW under judge Richard W. Powell. No official photo as I had to run to poodles!

Dante goes Best Of Winners under judge Mrs. Barbara Dempsy Alderman in Columbus Ohio.
His sister Nova was RWB, keeping it in the family!
Dante goes Winners Dog to finish his American Championship in Monroe Michigan for a 4 point major under Judge Jeffrey Langevin at the Doberman Pincher Club of Michigan Specialty! It was lovely day with great prizes. Dante was shown out of the BBE class.