New Grand Champion!
Petunia earns her Grand Championship title. A lovely achievement, made sweeter Owner Handled! She is now GCH Kitkat N Broadway's Ooh La...

Great Show Weekend For Petunia!
In a lovely line of Specials, Petunia took Best Of Breed on Saturday under judge Joanne Fernall and Select Bitch on Sunday under judge...

2021 Puppies!
Check out the litter announcements on the Litterbox page. Standard Poodles expected in January. Dobermans expected in February!

Coconut Loves An Orange Ribbon!
Coconut at her first shows as a Baby Puppy! Boy, is she a natural showgirl! Broadway's Viva La Coconut, ready for the rings!

Queenie Finishes Her Championship In Style!
Queenie - CH Broadway's The Money Note Finished her Championship in one weekend with 3 x Best of Winners, 3 Best Puppy In Groups, and one...

Poodle Litter Box News!
Fancy will be bred this February with puppies due late April/early May! More news on the sire and timing soon!

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all!!! What a great year! Personal happiness, great time spent with friends and family & dogs, gorgeous new litter to...

Happy Holidays From Broadway Dobermans & Poodles!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! May your days be Merry and Bright! Love from the Broadway Doberman and Poodle Gang!!!...

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From Broadway Dobermans & Poodles!
#christmaspoodle #poodle#poodlesofinstagram #poodlebands#showcoat #pinkythepoodle#christmastree #merrychristmas#happyholidays...

Happy 8th Birthday Rudy!
#birthdayboy #rudytoots#toots #rudythedoberman#broadwaydobermans CH Bruda Catch A Rising Star (Savannah x Nick)